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We stock a variety of EPROMS and many more COMPONENTS at Unitech Electronics Pty. Ltd.

Phone: +61 2 9820 - 3555

Updated September 8th 2016
The Unitech Electronics recognised Trade Mark and LogoWRITE DOWN THE PART NUMBER AND CLICK HERE FOR ORDERING PAGEProudly Displaying The Australian Flag
Take advantage of the huge benefits of shopping by credit card, safe, convenient and reliable.

Credit Card minimum order is AUD$ 20.00     USD$ 20.00 APPROX excluding freight and GST

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All prices shown as each piece excluding GST and for Australia ONLY with 10% GST added.

Order 1..... Order as many as you need ! Minimum card order is $20


Integrated Circuits...CHIPPIES!... "for the Do-it-Your-self'ers'

We also stock and have access to Linear, TTL, CMOS, RAM, EPROM, µProcessor chips

D2732 Eprom pic . . . . . AM2732 Eprom pic . . . . . 27C256 Eprom pic . . . . . D2732 Eprom pic . . . . . 2732D Eprom pic

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EPROMS ( U.V.Erasable Electronically Programmable Read Only Memory )

  I02532 .. 2532 .... 2K Eprom....RARE.. 24 pin ...235 pcs in stock...$ 6.00 + GST = AUD$ 6.60 
  I02716 .. 2716 .... 2K Eprom.....sold out....sold out.....sold out.......$ 6.00 + GST = AUD$ 6.60  
  I02732 .. 2732 .... 4K Eprom....24 pin..Now only 10 stock....$ 8.00 + GST = AUD$ 8.80  
  I02765 .. 27C64 ...8K Eprom......CMOS..12.5V Pgm.....................$ 8.00 + GST = AUD$ 8.80  
  I02764 .. 2764 .... 8K Eprom.......................................................$ 9.00 + GST = AUD$ 9.90  
  I27028 .. 27128 ..16K Eprom.......................................................$ 8.00 + GST = AUD$ 8.80  
  I27128 .. 27C128.16K Eprom....CMOS..12.5V Pgm.......................$ 7.00 + GST = AUD$ 7.70  
  I27256 .. 27256 .. 32K Eprom...............12.5V pgm.......................$ 7.00 + GST = AUD$ 7.70   
  I27257 .. 27C256 . 64K Eprom...CMOS..12.5V Pgm......................$ 9.00 + GST = AUD$ 9.90  
  I27513 .. 27C512 . 64K Eprom...CMOS..12.5V Pgm......................$ 9.00 + GST = AUD$ 9.90   
  I27512 .. 27512 ... 64K Eprom..........12.5V Pgm...........................$ 8.00 + GST = AUD$ 8.80  
EPROMS-2532,2716,2732,2764,2718,27256,27512 to 274001

CLICK HERE for data on EPROM DATA for
2532, 2708, 2532, 2716, 2732, 2764, 2718, 27256, 27512, 274001

Unitech Electronics Pty Ltd is your one stop "global shop" for all your "computer" and "Electronic"
Hardware solutions , we design and manufacture for you.         We make it happen for you!

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ALL MANNER OF CABLES - 20 Categories
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